Why Quarterly Content Planning Is Key

Angelica from Angelica Pompy Education joins us as a guest blogger this week to give you the rundown on how planning your content can make a HUGE difference in your business. Angelica started her photography business over a decade ago and after creating a successful business, started Angelica Pompy Education where she educates and coaches other photographers and small business owners. She feels passionately about “community over competition” and truly feels we can all win!

Don’t Post and Pray: Why Quarterly Content Planning is Key

In today's digital age, social media has become an irreplaceable and cost-effective marketing tool for small businesses. But it's not just about posting content randomly; it's about crafting a strategic plan that aligns with your goals and resonates with your audience. One of the most effective ways to stay ahead in the social media game is by planning your content out quarterly. But I already know what you’re thinking, “Angelica, I can hardly find the time to post regularly as it is! How am I going to have time to plan content out for the whole quarter?!”

Well, that’s what I’m here for! I know you’re busy, and in this blog post, I’ll show you how doing quarterly content planning actually means less time spent on social media content overall. So keep reading if you’re interested in a marketing strategy that will save you time and will bring in a steady stream of inquiries.

4 Tips for Content Planning

  1. Define Your Goals - Before diving into content creation, take the time to clearly define your objectives. Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or boost sales, your goals will shape your content strategy. By setting measurable and attainable goals, you'll have a clear roadmap to guide your planning. For instance, if your goal is to increase engagement, focus on creating interactive polls, quizzes, or other content that encourages participation from your followers.

  2. Mix Up Content Types - The key to keeping your followers engaged is having variety in your content. Try out different types of content, including images, reels, infographics, polls, stories, and live streams, to keep your feed fresh and appealing. Consider the preferences of your followers and create your content mix accordingly. By diversifying your content, you'll appeal to a wider range of interests and preferences, maximizing engagement and reach.

  3. Know Your Audience - And to know what your followers prefer, you have to know your audience. Knowing your audience is really the key to any business strategy, but it’s particularly important when planning your content strategy. Take the time to research their demographics, interests, preferences, and pain points to tailor your messaging effectively. Use social media analytics tools to gain insights into your audience's behavior, including when they're most active, which types of content they engage with the most, and what topics they're interested in. Using that information, you can create content that speaks directly to your audience's needs and desires, which leads to deeper connections and drives meaningful engagement.

  4. Monitor Your Analytics - Data is your best friend when it comes to social media content planning. Pay attention to key metrics such as reach and engagement to identify patterns and trends that can inform future content decisions. For example, if you notice that video posts consistently outperform other content types, allocate more resources towards creating video content.

The Content Planning Process

Once you’ve gone through those four tips, it’s time to put it all into practice. Step one is blocking time on your calendar at the beginning of each quarter. Future you will thank yourself! During that time, you’ll plan out your goals and objectives for the quarter and then plan your content out based on that.

It might seem intimidating to plan out 3 months of content at once, but it’s very manageable to do once you break it down into smaller chunks. Start by establishing the overall goal for the quarter. Next, break that goal down into monthly focuses that will help achieve that goal. Lastly, break those monthly focuses into weekly topics.

Once you know what the topic is for the week, you have the framework for writing and designing your content. Some pieces of the content might need to wait to be created or decided until closer to posting (that way you can keep up on the trends!) but a lot of your content can be written at that time as well.

BONUS TIP! Block some time on your calendar to batch write content. Get yourself in the writing mood and take advantage of focused time to create engaging content.

Content planning in advance is a habit. Just like going to the gym or starting a new skincare routine. It takes practice and sometimes guidance. If you need some more guidance on developing a content plan, my Quarterly Content Planner was made for you! Use this step-by-step guide to take your content planning process from dreadful to effortless.

You can find more about business coaching from Angelica Pompy at angelicapompy.com or on Instagram at @angelicapompy. Go give her a follow - she can’t wait to meet you!


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